Production Team:
Written & Produced by Emma Rooney
Original Illustrations by Megan Rooney
Video Editor Alice Evensen
Medical Advisor Margaret Mackrell
Text Editor Micheila Storr
Social Media Consultant Brent MacKinnon
IT Support Specialist Bob Kyriakides
French Language Team
Translator Hélène Duquette
Narrator Francine Mayer
Emma Rooney, storyteller
Emma was born in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa. At age 3 she moved with her family to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and then a few years later to Toronto, Canada, where she spent many happy years growing up and continues to call home.
Emma was born in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa. At age 3 she moved with her family to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and then a few years later to Toronto, Canada, where she spent many happy years growing up and continues to call home.
Emma lives with type 1 Gaucher disease and she prepared her digital story, Emma's Garden, as a
gift to her family and all the incredible people who have contributed to her
growth and well-being. She hopes that telling her story, about living with a rare condition, will encourage more people to do the same. One story that always inspires Emma is Brundibar, by Tony Kushner and the late Maurice Sendak, a tale about the resilient spirit of children in difficult circumstances.