Look to the "Storytelling Spotlight," located on the right panel, for current storytelling activities from around the world!
My Normal Updates
- February 2016:
- My Normal is a Friend of Rare Disease Day with special activities planned for the 9th edition of this international awareness raising day
- New RARE Toolkit, How to Promote Your Rare Disease Story Through Social Media, a collaboration between Global Genes and My Normal, is launched
- My Normal hosted a #hcsmca Twitter Chat: Preparing for #RareDiseaseDay: Do stories change anything?
- November 2015:
- My Normal is on the Map for Arts & Health Month. Check-out Mapping Arts & Health Across Canada presented by Arts Health Network Canada.
- Your Online Health: social media for information, support & advocacy workshop offered at the Gaucher Disease, Evolving Landscapes conference held by the National Gaucher Foundation of Canada
- March 2015:
- Women Are Definitely From Venus, Elaine Benton for the Huffington Post UK—"For not all stories begin 'Once upon a time' and finish with 'and they all lived happily ever after', as every patient's story of living with a rare disease is unique."
- Global Genes launches a new RARE Toolkit co-produced with My Normal, National Gaucher Foundation of Canada: Using Storytelling to Raise Awareness for Your Rare Disease
- November 2014:
- Start of the Running on Stories "Insights" series for RARE Daily by Global Genes
- Emma's Garden: Growing with Gaucher shown in the National Gaucher Foundation, Inc. (USA) Virtual Theatre during October's Gaucher Awareness Month
- June 2014:
- I Run in My Dreams, Elaine Benton for the Huffington Post UK
- May 2014:
- My Normal invited to present a poster at the European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products (ECRD 2014) in Berlin (Friday session, poster #74).
- Running with Roses, a new post about an inspiring My Normal storytelling connection, at Running for Rare Diseases (Running4Rare)
- January 2014:
- Running Tales by Emma at Running for Rare Diseases (Running4Rare)
- October 2013:
- New Digital Short Film for Kids with Rare Diseases, Genetic Disease Foundation
- September 2013:
- “My Normal” Becomes a Reality: National Gaucher Foundation of Canada Succeeds with PAL Project, Genzyme Rare Community
- Fall 2013:
- Redefining Normal: A New Website Reaches Out to Children with Rare Diseases, Gaucher Connection Vol4 Issue1 (download issue, article starts on page 2)